This sums up how my running has gone this week
So it's been a struggle. I guess you could say I hit that plateau, brick wall, mental struggle that is common with anything that is harder than normal and takes extra dilligence and dedication. My head really was not in the game this week. It wasn't a horrible week-nothing traumatic happend-I can't even blame it on the weather. It's just a bit of burn out. Today I've got a 5 miler and tomorrow it's 14 miles.
Can I please get back into my usual hard core self like immediatley? I HATE this feeling. I'm also running an 8Km race with Jason this weekend. If I can accomplish these 3 tasks in a good pace and happy attitude I'll be golden.
The race is getting closer and I honestly don't feel ready. I don't know if that's normal or what but I'll keep trekkin.